1) Place the RAM Doubler 1.5.2 Updater on your hard drive.
2) Double-click to launch the Updater.
3) To update the installed RAM Doubler extension - select "Update". The Updater will update the extension to version 1.5.2 and prompt you to quit when completed. If you received RAM Doubler through the limited-time Microsoft Office 4.2 special promotion, this is all you should do.
4) If you wish to update the RAM Doubler master diskette - it's not necessary to do so - select "Update Master Disk". Unlock your master diskette and insert it into the floppy drive. The Updater will update the Installer to version 1.5.2 and prompt you to quit when completed. The previous version of the RAM Doubler Installer will be saved in a folder named "old" on the master diskette.
You can disable all extensions by holding down the shift key at boot (restart) time.
You can disable all extensions except for RAM Doubler by holding down the shift and option keys at boot time.
We strongly suggest you install System 7.5 Update 1.0, which fixes a number of long-standing bugs in the Mac OS and provides some speed improvements. One notable problem that has been corrected with Update 1.0 is that floppies were not recognized in 24-bit addressing mode with RAM Doubler installed. If you install System 7.5 Update 1.0, remember to update your hard drive drivers because it is not part of the System 7.5 Update 1.0 process.
Because of the increased system requirements of System 7.5, 8MB of RAM is required for RAM Doubler (and recommended by Apple for System 7.5).
RAM Doubler is not compatible with accelerators that do not support Apple's Virtual Memory. These accelerators include: the Radius Rocket or Fusion Data System's TokaMac, Mobius Speedster 040, or Applied Engineering Transwarp accelerators.
Similarly, non-accelerator hardware add-ons that are not compatible with Apple VM may have problems with RAM Doubler as well; all third-party PowerBook display cards, notably the Envisio display adapters, are not compatible with RAM Doubler.
On the 6100 DOS Compatibility Card, with RAM Doubler installed, a freeze occurs when transferring a file to a floppy in DOS mode. The source of this problem is currently under investigation. The solution, when available, will be posted online where software updates are found.
RAM Doubler is not compatible with some older versions of the FWB SCSI JackHammer. If an incompatibility exists, RAM Doubler will detect it and warn you of it; contact FWB for more information and the requisite upgrade.
Some hard disk drivers, notably early versions of Alysis' eDisk, allocate memory in a way that prevents RAM Doubler from extending RAM. Contact your hard drive vendor if you receive the alert concerning a driver not in the system heap.
Hewlett Packard DeskWriter print drivers may exhibit slow performance or failure under extended memory (while running with either RAM Doubler or Apple virtual memory). This is because they attempt to allocate and make use of all available free memory while printing, even when they don't need to. The solution is to reduce this memory before trying to print, for example by opening several applications, or a special copy of TeachText with an unusually large partition, so that the "Largest Unused Block" reported by the Finder is smaller (we recommend trying to lower it to below 1500K if you are experiencing this problem). We are working with Hewlett-Packard to correct their DeskWriter driver problem.
Apple (800-SOS-APPL) recently shipped System 7.5 Update 1.0, which fixes a number of long-standing bugs in the Mac OS (such as a problem preventing floppies from mounting with RAM Doubler installed) and provides some speed improvements. If you are using System 7.5, we strongly suggest you install this update.
RAM Doubler is not compatible with versions of usrEZ's UltraShield and UltraSecure prior to version 3.52 (for UltraSecure) and 2.52 (for Ultra Shield).
The following items are not compatible with extended memory environments (more total memory than built-in memory); therefore, these items are not currently compatible with RAM Doubler. NEC's DPI on the Fly, Texas Instruments' Paper Tray Manager for microLaser printers, and the optional DSP plug-in for Adobe Photoshop on the 660AV and 840AV, "AV DSP Power".
MacTCP 1.0 and 1.1 are not compatible with RAM Doubler; we suggest upgrading to version 2.0.1 or later which is compatible; as of this writing, 2.0.6 is the current version.
If you are using a Macintosh 660AV or 840AV with System 7.1, make sure you have at least version 1.1 of the "Enabler 088" file. Version 1.0 causes problems with the Express Modem when RAM Doubler is installed. You can acquire Enabler 088 version 1.2 by installing System Update 3.0 (for System 7.1) from Apple; or, by upgrading to System 7.5, which has the latest enabler built-in.
In general, you should use the latest System Update from Apple. As of this writing, for System 7.5, this is System 7.5 Update 1.0; for System 7.1 it is System Update 3.0.
The most current version of Network Software Installer is version 1.5. If you are using EtherTalk, we strongly suggest you install this version. DO NOT install versions 1.4.2 or 1.4.3.
RAM Doubler is now compatible with SCSI Manager 4.3.
RAM Doubler now works better with GeoPort on Power Macs.
An incompatibility with CD AllCache has been worked around.
Using File Sharing on Power Macs is more reliable now.
Compatibility with the Power Macintosh; RAM Doubler now supports Macintoshes equipped with a PowerPC, 68040, 68030, or 68020 (with PMMU) processor.
For the Power Macintosh, file mapping is now implemented. File mapping is a technology which allows for a reduction in memory requirements by using the memory management unit to manage the loading and unloading of native code segments.
RAM Doubler's reliability on 4- and 5-megabyte Macintoshes running in 24-bit addressing mode has been significantly improved.
Many small changes were made for compatibility with Apple System 7.5. Note that RAM Doubler should not be used with the "SCSI Manager 4.3" extension. (See incompatibilities section.)
Compatibility with System 6.0.5 and 6.0.7 has been improved.
A problem with improper flushing of the cache on some machines, notably docked 68040-based PowerBook Duos, has been fixed.
A problem that affected TMON 3.1 during the boot process is now fixed.
RAM Doubler now works better with System 7.5.
RAM Doubler now works on PowerBooks equipped with a 68040 processor (PowerBook 500 series and Duo 280 & 280c).
Various changes were made to improve reliability and speed of networking operations. If you had problems networking over EtherNET, be sure to also use Apple's Network Software Installer 1.4.5 or later.
A bug in the Mac ROM Memory Manager was worked around which could cause system heap corruption at boot time. (i.e., if your Mac hung at "Welcome to Macintosh", it shouldn't anymore under 1.0.2)
A bug in the Mac BlockMove routine on 040s was worked around.
Extremely large reads and writes (more than half of RAM being read or written at once) happening on unfragmented hard disk drives work without hanging now.
RAM Doubler handles unsuccessful calls to the OS routine HoldMemory more reliably.
MachTen and RAM Doubler now work together.
Changes were made to better support NuBus SCSI accelerator cards. RAM Doubler 1.0.2 will be able to work with a future version of the FWB JackHammer.
A hang on startup occuring on some 68040 accelerators for Mac II, IIx, IIcx, or SE/30 has been corrected.
Restarting no longer hangs on a Macintosh LC with a DayStar 040 accelerator. Restarting a II/IIx/IIcx/SE30 with more than 14 megabytes of RAM in 24-bit mode no longer hangs.
RAM Doubler no longer tries to use a CD-ROM or a locked removable drive to store temporary data onto.
RAM Doubler no longer crashes if the "use RAM for ROM" option for the AV Macs is set. Instead it disables itself.
RAM Doubler now detects the 68EC030 processor and disables itself accordingly. (Sorry, without an MMU, RAM Doubler can't function.)
Floating-point processing functions slightly faster on 68040s.
In cases where RAM Doubler must use hard drive space, the speed has been increased, and the disk space has been decreased.
RAM Doubler no longer complains about MacsBug versions 6.5 and greater. RAM Doubler remains incompatible with development releases of 6.3 and 6.4 versions of MacsBug, due to bugs in those versions which cause unreliable tracing and system hangs when run with RAM Doubler. Version 6.2.2 of MacsBug works fine. On a Centris 610, RAM Doubler will make the necessary patches so that 6.2.2 will work on your machine.
Using MacsBug to trace through priveleged instructions works correctly now, tracing only one instruction at a time.